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Nederland ISD Child Nutrition Department has an online payment center for meal account payments and school meal applications. Click on the SchoolCafe' badge below to sign in or create your account.

School Cafe


Online payments available for student meals

In addition to accepting cash and checks for school meals, NISD offers parents the option of making online payments. Parents can make online payments to their child's meal account by going to and creating an account.  You will need your child's student ID number.

Payment by check

All checks must include correct mailing address, phone number, driver's license number and birth date. Make checks payable to NISD Child Nutrition. Any checks returned due to insufficient funds shall result in a $25 processing fee. Checks will not be accepted after two are returned due to insufficient funds, or if individuals fail to pay the amount of the returned checks plus processing fee. Unpaid checks will be brought to the Justice of the Peace Office for collection.

Student Meal Charges

The Child Nutrition Department is operated on a cash basis with meal accounts available for all students to deposit prepaid money.  In the event an on campus student is unable to provide cash or has no money on their student meal account the student is allowed the following options:

  • To charge one reimbursable breakfast daily without limitations
  • To charge one reimbursable lunch daily without limitations

Students are prohibited from charging the following:

  • Meal items sold as ala carte item (entree', sides, fruit, milk)
  • Snacks

Please review the NISD Child Nutrition Department Meal Charge Policy.


Student Meal Balances/Unclaimed Money

Please review the NISD Child Nutrition Department Meal Balances & Unclaimed Money Policy.

Unpaid Student Meal Accounts

NISD is committed to allowing students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day, minimize identification of children with insufficient funds to pay for school meals and maintain the financial integrity of the nonprofit school food service account.  On Campus Students with negative balances will not be denied a reimbursable meal but are encouraged to bring money the next day.

Payment Plans

Payment plan arrangements are available to households by completing the Payment Plan for Account Charges form on the Child Nutrition webpage and submitting to the Child Nutrition Department.
